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Increasing Staff Engagement Through Education

Increasing Staff Engagement Through Education

Community banking is rapidly evolving with technological advancements, regulatory changes, and shifting market dynamics, so increasing staff engagement through education has never been more crucial. Education, not only as training, but as a continuous journey, is a great way to boost employee engagement. Here’s how community banks and credit unions can leverage educational initiatives to not only enhance the skills of their staff but also foster a culture of engagement and loyalty.

The Importance of Engagement in Banking

Engagement in banking isn’t just about productivity; it’s about creating a staff that’s committed, innovative, and customer centric. Engaged employees are more likely to exceed performance expectations, stay longer, and contribute positively to customer satisfaction. This translates into better service, lower turnover, and a competitive edge in the market.

6 Ways to use Educational Initiatives as Engagement Tools

  1. Continuous Learning Programs: Implement ongoing educational programs that cover not just hard skills like digital banking, compliance, and financial analysis, but also soft skills like leadership, emotional intelligence, and customer service. These programs can be structured through workshops, webinars, or even gamified learning platforms, making education a part of the daily experience rather than an occasional event.
  2. Certification and Specialization: Offer opportunities for staff to achieve recognized certifications or specializations. This not only enhances their marketability but also shows an interest in their career growth, which is a strong engagement driver.
  3. Cross-Training: Encourage staff to learn about different departments to break down internal silos, foster a more collaboration, and provide employees with a broader understanding of the organization’s operations. Cross-Training not only enriches their knowledge but also their engagement with their roles.
  4. Leadership Development: Tailor leadership programs for potential future leaders. By identifying and nurturing talent, you not only prepare for succession but also engage staff by showing a clear path for career progression.
  5. Mentorship and Coaching: Pair newer employees with seasoned bankers in mentorship pairings. This knowledge transfer builds relationships that can increase job satisfaction and engagement. Coaching sessions can help employees navigate their career paths, aligning personal goals the organization.
  6. Technology Integration: Integrate tech education into the curriculum. This ensures that employees are not just spectators but active participants in the digital transformation of banking.


Implementation Strategies

  • Personalized Learning Paths: Design personalized educational tracks, recognizing that each employee has unique career aspirations. This individual approach can significantly boost engagement as it directly addresses personal growth.
  • Recognition and Rewards: Incorporate a reward system for educational achievements. Recognition, whether through promotions, bonuses, or public acknowledgment, reinforces the value placed on learning and engagement.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Ask for regular feedback on educational programs to help ensure they remain relevant and engaging.
  • Cultural Shift: Treat education as an investment. View staff development as a core strategy that can lead to a more engaged workforce.

By integrating education into daily banking practices, institutions can revolutionize staff engagement. Education evolves from a tool into an ongoing journey, mutually beneficial for both staff and the institution.

As always, we’re here to help.

Are You a Business Developer or a Relationship Manager?

Business Developer or Relationship Manager

Are you a business developer or a relationship manager? That is a question every business banker should ask him or herself. Why? Because there is confusion about what these two roles do within a community bank or credit union. We’ve seen various titles for this job such as commercial lenders, commercial bankers, business bankers, business banking officers, and others. However, the actual role performed by individuals in those roles is different based on the person’s sales skills, experience, and personality.

There may be many business bankers or commercial lenders, but few are “rain makers” – those who are out there selling every day and bringing in the net-new business. I propose there are two different roles: The sales roles and the relationship manager role. And there may be a team arrangement that works better than the one your institution currently has in place.

Let me explain. Community financial institutions share the following challenges regarding the sales role in their organizations (especially in rural areas):

The challenges community banks and credit unions encounter:

  • Many commercial lenders/bankers, business bankers, business development officers (whatever their titles), are not producing net-new deals every month. They are the highest paid staff in the organization and are paid to bring new business into the bank. Yet they are not going out to sell. Instead, they are “order takers” and prefer to stay in the branch waiting for businesses to come out of nowhere. These same employees are excellent lenders and relationship managers.
  • Because it is very difficult to attract and retain talent in rural areas and small towns, community banks and credit unions feel stuck with the business bankers they have. It’s a catch 22! If they let go of the current talent, it may take several months to rehire that position. If they keep the current bankers, the lack of net-new sales remains.
  • There is no sales culture. In fact, many bankers are either terrified or at least against the four-letter-word: “sell.” The non-sales culture must change. But not to the extent of certain large institutions where some abused the system and took advantage of customers. There is a balanced approach for community banks and credit unions that is appropriate and well received by customers.
  • But the biggest challenge we’re seeing is with family-owned banks. The ownership does not want to or does not know how to keep the bankers accountable. There have never been consequences for not bringing new business to the bank.

Below are three ways to address this important issue at your institution:

Establish Accountability

Measure the sales team by using incentive compensation plans with goals and performance reviews to assess results. In fact, one of the questions that leadership should ask bankers in these positions is: Are you a business developer or a relationship manager? Do you believe you are in the right role based on your sales skills, experience, and personality? Below is a grouping example of incentive bonus compensation plans for the various areas of the institution:

  1. Senior and executive leadership
  2. Business sales staff (business bankers, commercial lenders, commercial bankers, business development officers are all the same role: sales)
  3. Relationship Managers. Maybe it’s time to think of a separate plan for relationship managers who don’t sell but take care of the customers well. They can have their own goals or be part of the team approach incentive compensation.
  4. Retail sales staff
  5. Support staff

Incentive Compensation Bonus Plans need to have an organization-wide goal, then branch goals, team goals (for a sales team approach) and lastly, individual goals. It is also wise to include a subjective piece that includes the employee’s behavior and team relations.

Use a Sales Team Approach

We’ve seen the team approach work very well for some institutions. Each team has one rain maker who is always out on calls and bringing in net-new business. They don’t underwrite their own loans, and some don’t keep a portfolio. Their role is purely sales. The in-house relationship manager becomes the ongoing “maintainer” of  relationships with the ability to cross-sell other services. This team has one credit analyst to work with both the rain maker and the relationship manager. Separately, loan operations and loan documentation support this team in the entire lending process.

Establish a Balanced Sales Culture

Selling is not bad. In fact, without sales, companies would not exist. Each institution must find the right approach to their sales culture. Employees at all levels should be trained to identify customers’ needs and match them with a banking product. Or at the minimum, refer the customer to the right person in the institution. When you approach sales as simply meeting your customers’ banking and financial needs, there is no shame. It is fulfilling when you see the results of how you helped each business flourish because of your banking services.


There is no perfect answer for each community bank or credit union to address the issue of bankers not selling. But there should always be accountability in place to ensure all employees perform their role. If you are in the role of business banker or commercial lender, ask yourself this question: Are you a business developer or a relationship manager? It is okay to be one or the other based on what you enjoy most and do best. But ensure you are in the right role as that will bring success to both you and your institution.

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Books by Marcia Malzahn