Your community bank strategic plan and credit union strategic plan sets the course for the institution in a forward-thinking, actionable manner that aligns with your mission and vision and our strategic planning services are designed to establish a visionary yet practical strategic path.
Malzahn Strategic works with community bank and credit union leadership teams to develop and implement a strategic plan which establishes a visionary yet practical strategic path. Our community bank strategic planning and credit union strategic planning deliverable items include meeting facilitation, targeted goals, objectives, tactics, and timelines, and integrates all critical areas into your plan, such as enterprise risk management, IT security programs, and talent management programs.
Strategic planning is a critical part of the success of your institution and a poorly worded or complicated strategic plan just gets set on the shelf. We have even seen strategic plans getting copied between firms (!). Choose a community bank and credit union management consulting firm who has the experience and proven process to facilitate building a strategic plan that is effective, actionable, and won’t get set on a shelf.
Our process for community bank strategic planning and credit union strategic planning involves reviewing your current strategic plan, verifying that you have a number of critical areas addressed on that plan and then building a meeting agenda for the planning day. On the planning day, your leadership team is part of the process, tackling each agenda item until the new plan is complete and nearly ready for board of directors presentation.
After the planning day, the leadership team continues to add detail to the strategic plan and, with guidance from Malzahn Strategic, fully completes the new plan. We then review it and give feedback to the leadership team if further changes are necessary or recommend presenting it to the board of directors.
Contact us for more information on our strategic planning services.