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Accountability Chart Mastery | Why Mastering This Tool Leads to Organization Success (Part 6 of 6)

Accountability Chart Mastery – why mastering this tool leads to organization success.

Accountability Chart Mastery (Part Six of Six). If your community bank, credit union, or non-banking business runs on the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS®) (or even if you don’t), the accountability chart is one of the most powerful tools to getting what you want from your business.

In part one of this series, we talked about what an accountability chart is and why it is important to have one and have accountability chart mastery. In part two, we addressed some stories with creating accountability charts. In part three, we started reviewing some building blocks of an accountability chart. In part four of this series, we addressed building out the senior leadership team level of your accountability chart. In part five of this series, we addressed building an accountability chart for a department of a company not running on EOS.

In our sixth and final part of this series, we will list out some typical community bank and credit union IT department accountabilities to help you get started on the IT branch of your accountability chart. Here are some accountabilities in the system support part of the IT department:

  • Deployments / Projects
  • General Project/Resource Scheduling
  • General Project Management
  • Business Updates on Projects
  • Project & Deployment Customer Satisfaction
  • Internal Technical Documentation
  • Systems/Network Administration
  • Program Internal Management Systems
  • Monitor Internal System Performance
  • Internal Systems Administration
  • Manage All Backups
  • On Call Reactive Support
  • IT Alignment with Best Practices
  • Deploy New Computers
  • Deploy New Systems
  • Deploy New Packaged Software
  • Maintain Company Best Practices and Runbook
  • Automate Everything Possible
  • Hardware Procurement & Agreements
  • Software Procurement & Agreements

If you are interested in the complete listing of IT department accountabilities for community banks and credit unions, please use our contact form to let us know and we’ll email over a PDF version of this document.

We hope you enjoyed this series!


  • Contact us for a complete listing of IT department accountabilities for community banks and credit unions.
  • Take the organization checkup
  • Contact Us for more information about building out the Accountability Chart for your community bank or credit union – we are here to help!

Books by Marcia Malzahn